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About us and the Guide

Welcome to our London Beer Guide. It’s a curated site, which means these are the London pubs, bars and brewery taps that a couple of beer geeks happen to like and are happy to recommend.

The online version of this Guide started in January 2014, co-founded by Fred and Jezza. Fred Waltman, who lived in Los Angeles, was a widely travelled and hugely respected beer lover and IT expert, and he set up all the IT for this and numerous other city beer guides. The content of the Guide was curated by Jezza, who for many years had been keeping a list of the best places to drink good beer in London.

We were devastated when Fred died on 31 May 2023 after a short illness. Fred's knowledge of many beer cities and regions was second to none - particularly his second home, Bamberg. He was also an expert on Prague, Dusseldorf, Antwerp, Copenhagen and many other great beer destinations. Fred was a great friend to Jezza for over 20 years and we miss him greatly.

In 2019, Steve joined the team, assisting Jezza with Guide research and helping keep everything up to date.

In May 2024, after more than 33 years in London, Jezza moved to Bruges. Fortunately, Steve kindly offered to take on the Guide, so Steve is now the Guide's chief researcher and author. 

You can follow Jezza on Twitter @bonsvoeux1 and Steve is @musinganorak, though he tweets Beer Guide London  updates on Twitter @beerguideldn

Who is this site for?

We've designed the site for anyone wanting to find the best places to drink good beer in London, whether they are beer tourists or locals. Whether you live here, are in London on a dedicated beer trip, or you are in town for other reasons (business, family trip, etc.) and just want to try some good beer, this Guide will help you find the best places.

Find a Pub

You can browse our database of pubs by geographical areapostcode or even tube line.

There is also a Google Map of all the Guide entries that is constantly updated.


You can find our Articles page here or see below for individual articles.


You can keep up to date with new Guide entries and new breweries, plus deletions from the Guide, in our News section.

Other Beer Guides

In the footer below you'll find links to our other beers guides. Be sure and check them out. And you can find links to all our Beer Guide apps at
