Beer Rebellion Sydenham
Beer Rebellion Sydenham
Open from 4pm Mon to Fri; from 12 noon Sat - Sun
Gravity Cask Beers: c.5
Keg Taps: 4
Bottles/Cans: c.40
Nearest Station: Sydenham
Quirky bar in a former bookies.
Jezza says
About 10 minutes' walk from Sydenham station, this is an unlikely spot to find a bar serving 4 keg, 5 - 6 gravity casks and around 40 bottles on a good quality list. You'll get a warm welcome from the friendly staff, and while the surroundings could be considered somewhat spartan by some, there's something about this place which works very well. Watch out for a more extensive food offer later on but for now there's just 'street food' available at weekends. Opens 4pm Mon to Fri, 12 noon weekends.
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