Beer Shop London
Beer Shop London
40 Nunhead Green
London SE15 3QF
London SE15 3QF
020 7732 5555
Open from 4pm Tue-Fri; from 12 noon Sat-Sun (to 8pm Sun). Closed Mon.
Gravity Cask Beers: c.3
Keg Taps: 1
Bottles/Cans: c.60
Nearest Station: Nunhead
Cosy and friendly micropub with an excellent beer range.
Jezza says
With several gravity casks and a seriously impressive bottled range this tiny bar will have something to satisfy most beer drinkers. The bottled list is particularly strong on London breweries and features many new and special beers. The list has been thoughtfully and helpfully put together. The gravity casks are in good condition and feature local breweries plus some stellar breweries from around the country such as Burning Sky and Siren. Lovely place. NB: card only, no cash.
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